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Dr. Jesus Servando Hernández Orts

Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel. 1.


The Dr. Hernández Orts performed a postdoctoral stay in the lab from the 2014 to 2015. He studied the taxonomy and systematic of the Echinostomatids endoparasites of aquatics birds from Neotropical region of Mexico. The Dr. Hernández Orts participated in several field trips in Mexico and some countries from Middle America. The Dr. Hernández Orts published several papers during his stay in the lab. He helped and advise the undergraduate and graduate students with the morphological techniques. The Dr. Hernández Orts is an expert in the taxonomy of the acanthocephalans, digeneas and nematodes associated to aquatic birds and marine mammals. He is an independent and successful researcher and is especially a good friend and colleague. Currently the Dr. Hernández Orts is performed other postdoctoral stay with the professor Tomás Scholz.

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