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Dr. David Iván Hérnandez Ména

Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Cinvestav, Mérida


David joined the lab 2009, when he was an undergraduate student. During the first months in the lab was to able of identified morphologically and sequenced samples of Strigeids collected previously in aquatic birds.  David participated on several field trips to northern Mexico. He development an extraordinary capacity of analysis and performed several morphological descriptions that combined with molecular characters. David defended his thesis and graduated in 2010. In the same year David started with his Master. He reviewed the taxonomy and systematic of the genus Parastrigea a group of endoparasites of aquatic birds from Neotropical region of Mexico. David performed several field trips collecting freshwater and marine fishes and other aquatic birds. David published several papers in the lab and in the fall of 2012, David defended his Master thesis. David started the Ph. D program with the Dr. Gerardo Pérez Ponce de León his new advisor. In 2017 David defended his Ph. D thesis. Currently David is performing a postdoctoral stay in the Cinvestav, Mérida. Yucatán. Is a pleasure mentioning that David is an extraordinary researcher, friend and colleague.

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